Regional Chapters
AACUC Eastern Regional Chapter
The purpose of the Eastern Regional Chapter is to provide networking, community involvement and educational opportunities for the membership base regionally. The Eastern Regional Chapter also acts as an agent on behalf of the national association by recruiting new members who will help to increase the strength of the global credit union movement.
Additionally, the Eastern Regional Chapter will provide information to and from the national association and promote the exchange of ideas and educational programs to its members.
The Eastern Regional Chapter is comprised of the following states: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia.
David Muse
Chief Operating Officer
GPO Federal Credit Union
LaToya Price
Culture & Inclusion Officer
Visions Federal Credit Union
Audra Pettus
Vice President of Operations
Labor Federal Credit Union
Myla Franklin
Community Lending Officer
Greylock Federal Credit Union
Andre Lucas
Director of Compliance
MD|DC Credit Union Association
Byron Law
Director of Lending
DC Federal Credit Union
Ruth Shirley
Executive Administrator & Board Liaison

AACUC Midwest Regional Chapter

The Midwest Regional Chapter of the AACUC was founded in 2020 and serves professionals and volunteers in the credit union community who support the overall mission, goals, and objectives of the AACUC. The regional chapter was created to provide networking, community involvement and career/leadership development opportunities for the regional members. The Midwest Regional Chapter also acts as an agent on behalf of the national association by recruiting new members who will help to increase the strength of the regional, national and global credit union movement.
The Midwest Regional Chapter will provide information to and from the national AACUC association and promote the exchange of ideas and educational programs to its members. States included in the chapter are Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma and Wisconsin.
Deborah Fears
Chicago Post Office Employees Credit Union
Vice President
Naomi Anderson
VP Prepaid
Envisant / Illinois Credit Union League
Eric Gibbs, Sr.
VP of Lending
Chicago Post Office Employees Credit Union
Brittney Taylor
Business Account Specialist
Together Credit Union
Director of Communications
Opal Tomashevska
Director, Multicultural Business Strategy
Director of Events
Jasmine Taylor-Newton
Community & Program Coordinator
Illinois Credit Union League
Director at Large
Stephanie Duty
Training Specialist
Great Lakes Credit Union
AACUC Southern Regional Chapter
The Southern Regional Chapter of the AACUC was founded in 2018 and serves professionals and volunteers in the credit union community who support the overall mission, goals, and objectives of the AACUC. The regional chapter was created to provide networking, community involvement and career/leadership development opportunities for the regional members. The Southern Regional Chapter also acts as an agent on behalf of the national association by recruiting new members who will help to increase the strength of the regional, national and global credit union movement.
The Southern Regional Chapter will provide information to and from the national AACUC association and promote the exchange of ideas and educational programs to its members. States included in the chapter are Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.
Jamie Keith
Manager, Member Service Support
State Employees' Credit Union of North Carolina
Co-Vice President
Grace Thompson
SVP, Engagement, Diversity & Inclusion
Local Government Federal Credit Union | Civic Federal Credit Union
Co-Vice President
Erin Coleman
Associate Vice President of Professional Services
Callahan & Associates
Jazzmine Goodwin
Member Resolution Specialist I
State Employees’ Credit Union
Kimberly Plant
Kirshunda King
Auditor II
Carolinas Credit Union League
Emma Hayes
Chief Learning and Engagement Officer
State Employees' Credit Union of North Carolina
Membership Director
Brandon Browne
Lending Quality Control Specialist II
State Employees’ Credit Union
Community Outreach Director
Emily Nail
Vice President Cooperative Strategies and Executive Director
Coastal Foundation
Communication Director
Asha Osoro
Vice President
State Employees’ Credit Union

AACUC West Coast Chapter

The West Coast Chapter of the AACUC was founded in 2019 and serves professionals and volunteers in the credit union community who support the overall mission, goals, and objectives of the AACUC. The regional chapter was created to provide networking, community involvement and career/leadership development opportunities for the regional members. The West Coast Chapter also acts as an agent on behalf of the national association by recruiting new members who will help to increase the strength of the regional, national and global credit union movement.
The West Coast Chapter will provide information to and from the national AACUC association and promote the exchange of ideas and educational programs to its members. States included in the chapter are Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
Ashley Franklin
Vice President of Branch Operations
SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union
Vice President
Hazelmae Overturf
Program Director
Kaua'i Federal Credit Union
2nd Vice President
Marquis Boochee
Vice President of Strategic Alliances
Kinecta Federal Credit Union
Tony Kitt
Marcela Valencia-Garcia
Business Analyst II
SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union
Shannon Stewart
Collections Manager
Southland Credit Union
Membership Officer
Candice Batiste
Branch Manager
SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union
Membership Development & Social Media Officer
Miranda Pierfax
Training Manager
USC Credit Union
Operations Officer
Aaron Young
SVP of Service Delivery
AACUC Texas Regional Chapter
The Texas Regional Chapter of the AACUC was founded in 2021 and serves professionals and volunteers in the credit union community who support the overall mission, goals, and objectives of the AACUC. The regional chapter was created to provide networking, community involvement and career/leadership development opportunities for the regional members. The Texas Regional Chapter also acts as an agent on behalf of the national association by recruiting new members who will help to increase the strength of the regional, national and global credit union movement.
The Texas Regional Chapter will provide information to and from the national AACUC association and promote the exchange of ideas and educational programs to its members.
Carolyn Jordan
Chief Growth Officer
Neighborhood Credit Union
Vice President
Malcolm René
Priority Trust Credit Union
Vashyon Jackson
AVP/Branch Manager
Randolph Brooks Federal Credit Union
Kelli Holloway
Stacie Hill
AVP Compliance Manager
East Texas Professional Credit Union